Was Born 2016

How I Made $800 On Fiverr - Make Money On Fiverr

Hey, this is Stefan from projectlifemastery. com. In this video I'm going toshow you exactly how I was able to make $800 on Fiverr. Truthfully I was ableto make a lot more than $800 because the strategy that I was utilizing with Fiverrat the time was primarily to generate leads for another business that I haveand be able to earn more money beyond Fiverr. I’ll explain a little bit aboutthat model a little bit later on in this video. Now if you're not familiar withwith what Fiverr is, Fiverr is basically a website and a service where people canoffer their services for as low as $5. Alternatively, if you're looking forgraphics or certain services that you might be interested in, Fiverr is afantastic website for that. You can go on over to Fiverr, search forcertain things in different categories, and find a lot of different gigs wherepeople are offering their services for as low as $5. Now $5 is the minimum ofwhat you can offer your service for. However, there are strategies to increasethe value and the amount that you can earn per sale by providing differentupsells and additional add-ons as well. I'll share a little bit about that inthis video also. As I said before, I was able to learn about $800 on Fiverr. Right now I’mlogged into my Fiverr seller account. While $800 doesn't seem like a lot ofmoney, like I said, I wasn't primarily using Fiverr and offering the service onFiverr just to make the $800. I was using it for lead generation, I wasusing it to funnel the customers that I was generating into another courseand products and services that I had, which would end up increasing the valueof the customer. With Fiverr there's a lot of different strategies. You can look at just the earnings that you're making from Fiverr just from thegigs that you're offering. Or you could use Fiverr to generate leads maybe foranother business or product or service that you have, and then funnel those leadsinto that product and service and earn a lot more money from them. That'sprobably the most common way that I think people use Fiverr to have the mostsuccess, because just earning $5 or $10 or even up to $20 per gig and having tomanually do the work, that's not good math. You’re still trading your timefor money in that way. If you can find a way to automate your service on Fiverr, and I’ll show youexactly how I was able to do that, because I was able to automate my entire Fiverrprocess and have a virtual assistant basically operate everything all myorders for me. I'll show you exactly how I did that, because it's quite clever how Idid it. That's the best position to be in, because then you're earningpassive income. You're not going after active income where it always requires your time,you're trading your time for money. You want to be making passive income, and thereare strategies on Fiverr that can allow you to do that. Now I will mention that Ihave discontinued my work on Fiverr. There's just so many other businessesthat I’ve been focused on and things that are much higher priority. With FiverrI just happened to focus on it that much in the last year or 2. With any businessyou still have to keep your eyes on the business, you still have to overseethings, you still have to make sure things are converting and optimized welland promote your gigs, and just make sure that your gigs remainprofitable and successful on Fiverr. I stopped focusing on Fiverr about ayear and a half ago and just moved on from it, but I still wanted to do thisvideo because is always still in the back of my mind, just to want to show people thatmight have an interest in earning some small money on the side, that canhelp supplement may be an online business that you're starting orsupplement a job or a different scenario that you might be in your life. It can stillbe a fantastic way for someone that’s starting out wanting to make moneyonline. So I still wanted to do this video just to show you guys exactly what Idid and how I did it. If I click on this tab here, you'll be able to see some of the completedorders. I ended up doing about 148 orders. As you can seefrom some of these orders here that some people paid me $5, some people I was able togenerate $10 from, some gigs $20, they paid $20, $15. Obviously the more that youcan generate per gig, the betterper customer and having different upsells. Actuallyyou can actually learn a lot more now on Fiverr than when I was doing it, because I was doingit back in 2014 with different gigs here. Fiverr has grown a lot and they’ve actually improved alot as well. I think my strategy, what I did,would be more effective today,and maybe it’s something that I may revisit if I have some more time to focus on it and just getmy VA to run it again, but obviously the more that you can make from acustomer in terms of upsells and services, the better, the more positivereviews that you get. I had a ton of great reviews on Fiverr which is really usefulfor ranking you on Fiverr as well. Fiverr will help promote your gigs ifyou have really good rankings also. The primary niche that I was focused onwas Kindle publishing because a lot of Kindle publishers go to Fiverr for Kindlepublishing services. The primary reason for that is because Ihave a Kindle publishing course called K Money Mastery, kmoneymastery. com. It's a step-by-step video training course that teaches people how topublish on Kindle, how to make money with Kindle publishing and everything. I created just different Fiverr gigs just to basically attractcustomers and, yeah, make $5 or $10 here and there, but more so topromote my Kindle publishing course and other products that I had that couldhelp benefit these Kindle publishers. That's the strategy that I utilized. I’ll show you some of the gigs that I have. Now these gigs, this is just over thelast 7 days. They've pretty much been dead over the last 7 days, butsome of them were really successful quite a while ago. Settingup your gigs on Fiverr, pretty easy. You just need to have a really good title thatstands out and gets people's attention. You want to make sure you have goodkeywords in the title so when people search on Fiverr for certain keywords thenyour gig will show up. Having a good image of your gig is very important aswell as because that can help you stand out and get people to click on it. Having a really good description and really just a really good offer,especially at the beginning when you first launch your gig, because you want to getas many sales as possible just so you can start getting those reviews. Once youstart getting the reviews and feedback, that's really going to boost you onFiverr and help have your gig as a really popular premium gig. I had a pointwhere one of my gigs just took off and just was getting tons and tons of salesevery single day, it was pretty crazy. Some of the gigs that I had at the timeare: I’ll show you how to find profitable niches for your Kindle books on Amazon,I'll show you how to get verified reviews for your books on Amazon,I'll submit your book to KDP book promotion sites, I'll give you 83places to promote your Kindle book for free, I’ll promote your book to my Facebook page, I’ll promote yourbook to my email newsletter, I’ll show you how to format your book, I'll show you how to rank your book,and I'll show you how to outsource your book. These are all gigs that were helpfulfor Kindle publishers and helping them have more success with their Kindlepublishing business. I’ll also mention that one thing that helped me a lot toowas doing a video for each of my gigs as well. Videos, you can upload a video to your gig, can really help convert youraudience a lot better. I would just put myself behind the camera and explainwhat I do in the gig, make it personable. That would really help make a differencein converting customers also. Now how did I automate this process? Because doing alot of these things would require a lot of time. Showing people how to dothese things or submitting to directories, all the sort of stuff is time-consuming. You might be wondering, how are these people on Fiverr doing thisstuff for only $5? How are they really making money? Because some of these things mightseem like it takes quite a bit of time to do it, and to earn $5 per gigisn't much money at all. There's a few ways that I automated this. One wasshowing you how to find profitable niches for your Kindle books on Amazon,how to get reviews. The ones where I’d show and provide certain information,what I did in that case is that when somebody would order the gig, I wouldhave my virtual assistant send them an automated message. I already had acertain template of a message that it would send the customers. In the message it wouldbasically have instructions on how they could get what they paid for in the gig. For example, the one on how to find profitable niches, I would have atemplate that would say, “Thank you so much for ordering. We really appreciated it. In order toget the training provided on how to showyou how to find profitable niches click this link. You’ll be taken to our website,you'll be able to sign up for our username and password, and you'll be able to login. And then once you login, you'll be able to watch the training. Then by the way,we also decided to throw insome additional training for you on this and that. ” We’d always try to provide morethan what the person was paying for for $5. What we’d do is we’d set them upwith a page where they could sign up for an account for my Kindle publishingcourse. It was basically already training that I had inside my Kindlecourse that would show them how to do 1 or 2 things like how tofind a profitable niche, but then of course if they wanted to know more, which theywould because the information was really good, it would really help them and add a lotof value, then they’d have the option if they wanted to buy my Kindle course, theycould buy that as well for $67. That was essentially the main upsell onhow I was able to profit from Fiverr. It wasn’t just from the $5. It wasproviding a really, really good training for them, adding a lot of value, and then ofcourse if they wanted to know more, if they wanted the full course, tons of moreinformation, then they’d end up investing in it. The training wasreally good that I provide inside my Kindle course and stuff and so itclearly demonstrates me as an expert and as an authority and again it providestons of value. That’s the key thing to success on any online business,especially Fiverr. You always want to provide more value than what people payfor. When you provide way more value they’re going to become a raving fan, they’re goingto buy your other gigs, they’re going to buy and follow you on Fiverr and buy someadditional things that you have as well. That was one way that we automated it. Because I already had the course set up and the training video set up and allof that, all my VA had to do is basically every time someone ordered would just copyand paste and send the templated message for each customerorder. That’s how I automated that. That’s a really effective way to beable to deliver content as a Fiverr gig because you can get hundreds of ordersevery day if you wanted to and if it was that popular and it still wouldn’trequire that much time because it’s just copy and paste. You can have yourvirtual assistant do that for you for as low as $3 an hour. That’s one way that youcan automate it, and again, be able to earn profit to build a list or generateleads from. The other services such as submitting your book to differentpromotional websites,we actually have a software that does that called K Optimizer, koptimizer. comwhere with the click of a button you can submit your Kindle book to 30 plusdifferent book websites. The other option of doing that as well is that again if youhave a virtual assistant, that’s maybe working for $3 an hour, thenmaking complete this gig for you for $3 and Fiverr will actually end uppaying you actually $4 let’s say, so you’d end up profiting $1 from it. You can have a VAdo things if you can outsource things for cheaper than the $4 that you’llget paid per gig. That’s one way. Gigs like this where I’ll give you a list or I’llgive you something, that’s really easy to automate because you're just basicallyjust providing a PDF, you're providing a video, you're providing information. It doesn’trequire your time to complete the gig. If you already have a list on Facebook, if youhave like an email newsletter or a following on Twitter, Instagram, these aregreat ways also that you can promote yourself and have gigs on Fiverr also. I know for myself and my business we pay different people onFiverr that have Instagram followingsto do a shout out for us, to promote my Instagram channels and stuff like thattoo. These were just some examples from the gigs that I have, but really the keything to success with the gigs is you have to see what people want. What arepeople looking for on Fiverr? What’s popular on Fiverr? What’s trending? What arepeople searching for? Fiverr is a search engine. They have a lot of differentcategories. You can search around just by clicking here and looking at some of thedifferent categories here, and seeing what’s popular, and seeing whatskills do you have that people would be interested in that would bewilling to pay for. Really, if you can model other gigs and see how they’redoing it and see how they’re profiting and see what their offer is, and then youcan come along and do something better than them, and you actively promote it, thenit can really take off and you could automate this whole thing to reallybe a successful business for you. I personally didn’t have enough desire andenough focus at the time to really grow my Fiverr thing and really get into it. Ikind of just put in on pause and focused in a lot of other things, but if I reallywanted to I know I could’ve really built this into a bigger business. Butfor me there’s just so many more opportunities that I’m involved in, that I’m alittle bit more passionate about. But if you're someone that’s just brand new and wanting to get started tomake money, then I think Fiverr could be a good strategy to get started withbecause it is relatively simple, Fiverr does a lot of the work foryou and it does work. That’s how I was able to make $800 plus onFiverr. Really I was actually able to make a couple of thousand dollars of Fiverrif you were to factor in the back end and everything that I did. In any business youalways want to look beyond the front end. Front end is where you make the leastamount of money because you do have to promote and market yourself. It’s reallythe back end, what you do with the customers that you get and being ableto increase the value and what you're able to earn from them and build arelationship with your customers, build a relationship and provide additionalproducts and services, that’s where the real value is in any business and howyou want to set up any business. Even amongst Kindle publishing, often whenI teachKindle publishers, they’re just so focused on just making royalties from their books. Itry to show them how you can make a lot more by building a list, buildinga relationship with your customers, being able to promote affiliate productsor create your own products if you choose. There’s so much more potential beyond the front end, and that’s how you always wantto be thinking because that’s where the real value, the real profit really is. That’s it for this video. Hopefully you were able to enjoy it. If you did like it, make sureto like the video below. Leave a comment,let me know if there’s any questions, and make sure to subscribe for more videos likethis. I’ll see you in the next video. Hey, this is Stefan, and thank you so much for watchingthis video. If you enjoyed this, then please hit the like button below, leave acomment to let us know what you think, and make sure to subscribe to ourYouTube channel for more great videos like this. Now if you want to take yourlife to the next level, then I want to offer you a free gift. It’s called MyLife Mastery Toolkit and it literally has the best of the best of what I haveto offer in terms of videos, articles, and resourcesfor taking your life to the next level and living an extraordinary life. To getaccess to this all you have to do is click the link that’ll appear right here onthis video or if you're on a mobile device then click the link in the description below,and then head over that page, enter your email address, and I’ll send youimmediate access to the Life Mastery Toolkit. I want to thank you again forwatching this video. Until the next one, I’ll talk to you soon.

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